15 Mar How to Overcome Dental Anxiety
Putting off your bi-annual dentist visit out of fear is never a good idea! We understand many people may not necessarily anticipate going to their dental appointment. However, at True Dental we offer a variety of ways to help even those with dental phobia or dental anxiety relax and feel comfortable at their appointments. Most dental appointments aren’t painful, but for some, even a regular dental exam can be cause for anxiety! Keep reading for a few tips on how to overcome dental anxiety.
What is Dental Anxiety?
Many people may think they’re alone when they get a little uneasy before a dental appointment. However, feeling a bit nervous is normal but it shouldn’t be a reason to put off your regular dental appointments. Putting off your dental appointments can lead to longer and more involved dental visits if you let a minor issue go untreated! Why take the chance of having a simple cavity turn into a root canal simply because you ignored it? Dental anxiety may cause some to feel a bit uneasy before their appointment. However, True Dental West Kelowna has a few solutions to help you relax at your next appointment.
Sedation Dentistry
Overcoming dental phobia is possible. If you’re wondering how to overcome dental anxiety, the answer may be sedation dentistry. With sedation dentistry, Dr. Coccaro will administer you a drug intravenously before your procedure. Conscious intravenous sedation will relax you and feel like a deep sleep like state, ultimately rendering the dental appointment a good experience.

How to Overcome Dental Anxiety at True Dental
Our team has extensive experience working with anxious patients and we work hard to make you feel right at home. Sedation dentistry is a great solution if you’re scared of the dentist. Many patients have found their appointments more relaxing and quicker with dental sedatives.