Woman getting adult braces

10 Aug Everything You Need to Know About Getting Braces as an Adult

While you might commonly associate braces as a dental procedure that is often carried out with children and young adults, adult braces are becoming more and more popular. Not only can braces be beneficial for improving the look of your teeth, but they can also help to improve your mouth health overall. Dental braces aim to help align your teeth to create a more even, attractive bite.

We’ve broken down everything you need to know about adult braces to help determine if they are the right choice for you and your dental needs!

Smiling woman wearing braces

Reasons Why You Might Need Adult Braces

There are several different reasons why someone might choose to get braces in their adult years, from crooked and misaligned teeth to aesthetics. Whatever your reason may be, adult braces can be a great way to achieve a smile that you are proud of. Crooked and uneven teeth can interfere with a healthy bite, which can lead to tooth decay, excessive tooth wear, gum disease, chipped teeth and jaw problems, so braces might be recommended by your dentist to correct some of these problems. Some people simply don’t like the look of their smile and choose to get adult braces to help straighten their teeth and achieve a smile they love.

Clear aligners for adult braces

Different Types of Adult Braces

When it comes to choosing the right kind of braces for you, there are a few different types to choose from. One of the most common types of braces are conventional braces, which consist of a wire that is attached to a single bracket on the front of each tooth. Treatment time is typically the shortest with conventional braces, but they are usually quite visible on your teeth even if you have the tooth-coloured ceramic option. Another popular type of braces is aligners, which are clear trays that are switched out every few weeks to accommodate the movement of your teeth. While these braces aren’t totally invisible, they are less conspicuous than traditional metal braces.

Woman wearing braces and smiling at the camera

What To Expect While Wearing Braces

The length of time you will be required to wear braces can vary, with the typical course of treatment taking between 18 and 22 months. When you have braces, especially traditional metal braces, your teeth will require extra attention to keep them clean and free of any decay or staining. It’s important to avoid eating things that can damage your braces, such as hard, crunchy, or chewy foods. Brushing your teeth is also extremely important and is recommended after each meal and snack during the day, along with flossing to help remove any stuck food particles from between your teeth and under the wires.

Regardless of why you might choose to get braces as an adult, whether it be for corrective or aesthetic purposes, this information will help prepare you with what to expect when it comes to getting adult braces.



Think you might need braces? Book an appointment with one of our experienced team members for a consultation!